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The amount of material used in plastic packaging has been in decline for years. Between 2004 to 2014, the average plastic packaging weight fell by 28% as a consequence of improved technologies and design. Yet, more can be done to reduce its environmental impact.
Why do we need plastic packaging in the first place? And what is Texplast Industries doing about the worlds plastic problem?
Plastic Packaging
Alternative-Materials Packaging
x 3.6
Total masses for same functional units
x 2.2
Energy Consumption in total life cycle
x 2.7
Greenhouse Gas Emisions in total life-cycle
Generally speaking, packaging is only used where it makes economic, environmental, and safety sense to do so. Plastic packaging typically uses less land, less water, and less energy to manufacture than alternatives, and because it is so lightweight, much less fuel is also needed to move it around.
It is not so easy to see, but plastic is playing an important role in lowering our greenhouse gas emissions. Costs to human health, the economy and the ecosystem would be over 5 times higher if we switched away from plastic packaging.
Depending on the type of plastic used and process used to create it, plastics can either be fully flexible (like film) or completely rigid (like plastic bottles). It therefore can be used for an infinite number of packaging purposes, and can be tailor-made to fit the exact needs of a business or producer.
Plastic is a very strong material, making it exceptionally good for packaging purposes. Even a relatively thin plastic wrap is strong enough to hold several litres worth of drinks.
Plastic is the lightest packaging material available. While around half of all goods sent around the world are packaged in plastic, this only accounts for 17 percent of the total packaging weight of all goods sent.
Plastic is waterproof because of its structure, giving it a supernatural form of protection for any product that needs to be kept away from water.
Single-family plastic packaging can be recycled many times over to create new products. If mixed plastic waste could be easily and cost effectively separated, plastic recycling could be the solution to a cleaner and greener future.
Texplast Industries Limited has spent more than a decade working on ways to reduce our waste. With a fully equipped research facility on-site, and a quality assurance team working day-and-night exploring a variety of methods to reduce, reuse or recycle packaging, we have stayed true to our vision statement of transforming the practices of sustainability through innovation. In an ever-changing world, stakeholders no longer see commitment to sustainability as an option - rather it has become a must-have, a minimum that is rightly expected from any company they are doing business with. And as we have shown over the last 10 years, sustainability and successful business performance are undeniably connected.
Less Plastic â–º
Better Plastic â–º
Easily-Recyclable Plastic â–º
Cutting down the amount of plastic consumers use in everyday fast-moving products.
Experimentation with better plastic blends that provide higher strength and versatility.
Using more recyclable plastics like PP and BOPP, while reducing our dependence on harder-to-recycle plastics like PET.
How are we reducing the impact of plastic that ends up in the hands of the consumer?